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Energy Saving Tips For Smartphones


There are many applications and functions that run in the background, many of them unpublished for users who remains unnoticed until the battery from your smartphone to run low. Being online and some modern applications do not eat the battery life.

There are some simple tips to turn a smartphone to stay longer in some applications available on App Store to help prolong the life of a cell phone.

UMTS applications with more energy. A simple way to save battery is to change the screen settings to the lowest level of illumination. Once the target coordinates are, disable the browser. This software keeps running in the background, "said Daniel Lueders.

Disable UMTS and Wi-Fi when not in need. Otherwise, look for the networks accessible at all times. In addition to the phone in Airplane mode when you go on a long journey in which there would be no access signal that the phone still in search of signals from the service provider.

In Android, there is a settings menu that shows which applications are using more energy. Making a video or data transfer via UMTS, the energy consumption is skyrocketing.

Disable the automatic downloading of e-mail directly and manually download smartphone, save energy.

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11:35 PM

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